E/S Movitz is rated 3 out of 5 in the category tours. Read and write reviews about E/S Movitz. Green City Ferries - Home ATTRACTIVE COMMUTING BB GREEN 24 FERRY INFORMATION CONTACT US
Green City Ferries
We do high-speed electric ferries Attractive commuting means - Frequent departures
- Short travel time
- Pleasant experiences
- No emissions
Green City Ferries provides
high-speed electric ferries and fast chargers.
Probably the world’s most efficient and fastest electric passenger ferry FERRY INFO
An optimized ferry for daily exclusive emmission free commuting. FERRY INFO
Low noice & good vibrations...
Proof of concept and was launched in 2016 BB Green prototype website Previous Next Ferry Information Commercialization starts now in 2020 1 The ferry in brief
A comfortable commuter ferry for 147 passangers, 20-30 bikes, Top Speed 35 knots, ASV hull , small wakes, Charging less than 10 min, Distance max 15 nm, exclusive interior. The BB Green 24 model is standardized and will be serial produced to meet the market need. 2 Energy efficiency
With our lightweight carbon fiber ASV hull and optimised interior for commuting we reduce the wet surface by 80% using 40% less energy for propulsion than modern carbon fiber catamarans 3 Batteries & charging
Latest technology with LTO batteries and charging, we have a unique leasing concept for batteries and drivelines to exlude all technical risk for our clients, We are aiming for SMC (Single Minute Charging) to charge while boarding without extra time loss. Some advantages with LTO: Extremely Long Lifetime , Rapid Battery Charging and Discharging , Enhanced Safety , Low-Temperature Performance. 4 Envirometal impact
Our goal is to reduce traffic congestions in cities and by providing an exlusive waterborne alternative and also replacing polluting diesel ferries. A similar diesel ferry uses around 300 liters of diesel per hour. Interested ?
Contact us to see if our solution suits your needsGreen City Ferries AB - InternationalStockholm -
[email protected] City Ferries AS -
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Gamla stan, Riddarholmen