Vi-tekno is rated 3 out of 5 in the category information technology and services. Read and write reviews about Vi-tekno. Our team in Vitekno has built their careers based on the clients satisfaction, we can go with you to the maximum levels of loving the work we do for your business. Not only this, but the quality of the support after you take your product is also to the max, as we provide you with any reporting materials showing how the KPIs of your business are coming up. We provide you with a full journey services, starting from building your online content, moving to reaching your targeted clients. - We design your website (Web Design/Development) - We suggest marketing ideas (IT & Marketing Consultations) - Then we announce your product/service to the world (Digital Marketing) Vitekno team has a huge experience in the IT and Digital Marketing sectors that can please you and make your goals easy, we do provide our clients with the various possible ways to achieve his needs and explain the cons/pros of each, then he picks up the most suitable way he prefers. Web design, Digital marketing, and other custom services! Contact Us:
[email protected]
Company size
1-10 employees
Malmö, Region Skåne